Reshaping PwC's Image as a leading in digital transformation.
PwC was acutely aware that to drive these shifts in a meaningful way meant they would need to be delivered genuinely, first-hand and from the ground up. In other words, in experience-led space imagined through the brand’s lens but with their clients ultimate and varying objectives in mind. The resulting space needed to be more than a lick of paint and some call-to-action phrases; it needed to achieve results and manifest real change for our client and theirs.
The Big 4 management consultancies are moving away from being the “providers of services” towards “drivers of innovation and change”, which, in turn, is increasingly being delivered through digital transformation. Naturally, such a shift in service offering for global brands requires various internal and external shifts. From the brand’s long-established public perception to internal culture, attitudes and capabilities.
PwC was acutely aware that to drive these shifts in a meaningful way meant they would need to be delivered genuinely, first-hand and from the ground up. In other words, in experience-led space imagined through the brand’s lens but with their clients ultimate and varying objectives in mind. The resulting space needed to be more than a lick of paint and some call-to-action phrases; it needed to achieve results and manifest real change for our client and theirs.
On top of all that, it also happens to be quite a nice place to be.